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Myco-Consultation Services

On a limited and location dependant basis Spores-Lab provides consultation services wherein we can teach you our proven methods for the construction, maintenance, & operation of commercial scale growing facilities (not for Psilocybe species).


Spores Lab can also supply isolate mushroom spawn in bulk for your growing operation. Send us a message if you are interested in spawn on a large scale. Large spawn orders typically have a 4 week lead time.


We have worked with clients to construct and operate mushroom growing facilities ranging from 1000 to 6,000+ square feet. We have also done the legwork in order to offer commercial operations the best possible pricing on raw materials/supplies, and many of the integral pieces of equipment necessary to cultivate (like Sterilizers and HEPA filters).


We can provide you with our tried & tested Agar, Liquid Culture, and growing medium formula's, exceptionally strong & isolated genetics chosen to meet your specific needs (such as yield, bag appeal, high-potency), our in-depth 25 page growers manual, a customized operating schedule, and a customized floor plan.



Leverage our knowledge regarding the construction of contamination free "cleanroom" areas, spawn/substrate sterilization, and making/propagating liquid/agar cultures to save your growing operation time and money.


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